Wisconsin Republican leader who angered Trump is targeted for recall a 2nd time

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Supporters of former President Donald Trump said Tuesday that they have enough signatures to force a recall election of Wisconsin’s top elected Republican, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, after their first effort came up short.

They targeted Vos, the longest-serving Assembly speaker in Wisconsin history, after he refused to impeach the official who oversees the battleground state’s elections, angering Trump and his followers.

The bipartisan Wisconsin Elections Commission must determine whether there are enough valid signatures to trigger a recall election. The panel rejected the first attempt for not having enough valid signatures.

Petition circulators said they would submit more than 8,000 signatures collected from voters in the district where Vos was elected to serve most recently in 2022. They need 6,850 valid signatures to force a recall election.

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